
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dark blogger portraits by Gabriela Herman

Gabriela Herman is a fine art, portrait and lifestyle photographer who is recognized for her intimate approach and ease with her subjects.
Gabriela has traveled worldwide; her work has always traveled with her and as a result has been exhibited in several countries.
This post features Gabriela’s most recent portrait project, featuring nineteen shots of nineteen different reasonably well known bloggers.
The photographer reads blogs, and reads a lot of them. This project was inspired by the digital age and the ways in which we spend our time. In dark corners, bloggers are adding value to and changing the way we as humans interact with the world.
The bloggers emerge from their corners in this project, showing their faces (along with their computers) to the world wide web.

Soraya Darabi from Foodspotting

Imran Khan from Letters To Romeo

Drew Grant from Crushable

Ruben Natal-San Miguel from Art Most Fierce

Julia Rappaport from Fork Lift

Sarah Dohrmann from Und You Vill Like It

Mike Hudack from

Robin Yang from Candystand

Rex Sorgatz from Fimoculous

Lilit Marcus from The Gloss

Richard Blakeley from Gawker

Daryl Lang from History Eraser Button

Manjari Sharma from Ishaara

Nick McGlynn from Random Night Out

Sheena Sood from Sheena Sood

Jennifer Wright from The Gloss

Caroline McCarthy from The Social

Charlie Fish from Wink

Rachel Hulin from A Photography Blog

This post was put together exclusively for WDD by Callum Chapman. Callum runs a store dedicated to poster prints called Picmix Store and is currently working on a design inspiration gallery.
What do you think of Gabriela Herman’s latest portrait project? Which shot featured here is your favorite?

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