
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Magnificent LEGO Movie Stills by Alex Eylar

Alex Eylar is an advanced LEGO scene creator from California, USA.
Alex is in his young twenties and has become very well known for his brilliant movie scenes that he creates out of LEGO pieces; his work has even been featured on the CNN and The Telegraph websites.
He says his love for both LEGO and movies come from his childhood, and is surprised that his scene recreations have gone down so well with the public.
He assumes that this is because most people are familiar with a lot of the films he depicts in his work.
Great photography and editing skills play a large part in these fantastic creations, allowing Alex to create a great depth of field and make his work more realistic.
You can view more of Alex’s LEGO experiments at his MOCpages profile, or on hisFlickrstream, where he posts all of his projects, small and big.
WordPress Themes
Sucker Punch
The American
The Godfather
The Godfather
Blue Valentine
Raging Bull
The Addams Family
Die Hard
The Invisible Man
Indina Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Exorcist
A Clockwork Orange
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
2001: A Space Odyssey
American Beauty
Inglorious Basterds
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
The Silence of the Lambs
Modern Times
Star Wars
The Shining
James Bond (007)
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Tron: Legacy
This post was put together exclusively for WDD by Callum Chapman, the man behindPicmix Store and Circlebox Blog.
What do you think of these movie stills? Share your comments below!

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