
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weekend Design Challenge: Self Portrait

ScreenshotAfter reviewing your feedback on last week’sphotomontage design challenge and knowing that you truly enjoyed the experience, I think it’s time for another great design challenge…
Do you recognize the picture on the left? That’s Sharbat Gula, an Afghan woman whose photo became the world’s most famous portrait after appearing on the cover of National Geographic magazine in 1985.
In this week’s challenge, we’re concentrating on self portraits, having just covered this in today’s article: How to Take Excellent Portrait Photos
Will you possibly be the face of the next world famous portrait? You certainly have the power to do it! Are you ready for the challenge? Go grab your camera and get ready for some serious fun!


Create a unique self portrait. You can use any style or technique that you wish as long as you’re featured in the photo in some shape or form. Photos can be edited and manipulated in any way you want.


For examples and techniques, please refer to our article: How to Take Excellent Portrait Photos


  • Image must be a maximum of 615px x 615px at 72dpi in JPEG format (up to 150kb).
  • The photo must be a self portrait and include a photo of yourself in some shape or form
  • You may edit your photo in any way using photo editing software, such as Photoshop
  • Email your image and the information below before Tuesday, April 28th
  • Please format your email like this:
Comments: (optional)
Technique: (optional)
Website: (optional)
Blog: (optional)
Twitter: (optional)

What’s in it for you?

This is another great opportunity to get the word out about yourself and your work through WDD. Consider this opportunity as a chance to have fun, practice what you have learned and to showcase your abilities at the same time.
A selection of the best works sent to us will be posted here on Tuesday. Good luck to everyone and have a wonderful weekend!

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