
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

22 Website Designs Inspired by

It’s well known that Apple is one of the most creative and innovative companies in the world, so it’s no wonder that many software companies and web designers would choose to follow Apple’s style of branding.
The Apple website is one of the best websites out there due to its ease of use, functionality and the beautiful environment that it creates.
I looked at websites that use one or more design elements inspired by Some of these sites sell Mac software and apps, so it makes sense for them to keep the same Apple look and feel. Consider this though: How many software companies that develop for Windows, choose to brand their websites to look like Vista? I have included a few screenshots of the Apple website, just in case you haven’t never seen it before.

1. Icon Designer

2. iSlayer

3. Versions

4. Checkout

5. Small Transport

6. MacRabbit

7. 280 Slides

8. Disco

9. Warehouse

10. Cha-Ching

11. RapidWeaver

12. DeskLickr

13. Tangerine!

14. 1Password

15. Jumsoft

16. Roxio Toast 

17. CandyBar

18. Cultured Code

19. Anxiety

20. Tao Effect

21. TaskMate

22. The Invoice Machine

Chad Mueller owns and runs the design inspiration blog; Inspiredology. He is also a freelance designer who enjoys working on websites, blogs, logos and anything to get his creative juices flowing.
Do you know of any other good examples? Please share with us…

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