
Monday, January 31, 2011

40 Amazing 3D Fractals Using Apophysis

Today we’re featuring 40 fractal images created usingApophysis. It’s a free Windows program for designing and rendering fractal flames. You can download the software for free at SourceForge
Recently, Apophysis has been getting more and more popular among the community of DeviantArt. Apophysis, and competing fractal product UltraFractal, are the most popular fractal software used by fractal artists on deviantART.
Here are some of the most stunning examples that we’ve found online. Click on the images to see full previews. Enjoy and get inspired….

Designed by Parrotdolphin

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by Ulliroyal

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by AmyL

Designed by Jellaboom

Designed by Gibson125

Designed by Gibson125

Designed by Gibson125

Designed by Psion005

Designed by Psion005

Designed by CharcoaledSoul

Designed by Artico621

Designed by Xero-Sama

Designed by Imaginum

Designed by MothersHeart

Designed by Clarissa Filler

Designed by Kattvinge

Designed by Babymilk

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by RedHotCold

Designed by LMarkoya

Designed by MyNameIsShailo

Designed by Babymilk
Disclaimer: All images and their copyrights belong to their respective authors.
Have you created fractals like these before? Have you seen other good examples? Please comment and showcase your work below…

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