
Monday, January 31, 2011

Kaching – Exclusive Free eCommerce Icons

Today we’re bringing you another great set of icons right fresh from the oven! This set of eCommerce icons is appropriately titled “Kaching”.
The icons are available as PNGs (48×48 and 400×400) and we have also included the source files in PSD and Illustrator format to allow for your own full customization.
The icons were designed exclusively for WDD byWordPressThemeShock, a great site that offers quality premium WordPress themes as well as a bunch of amazing design sets (buttons, textures, backgrounds and much more). The site was created by the same awesome team behind Iconshock.
All icons are free to use for both personal and commercial purposes, with attribution required (you can waive the attribution requirement by paying a small fee).
Redistribution is not permitted, so if you would like to share these icons with your friends, please direct them to this page so that they can download their own copy from here.
The preview and download link are right after the jump, so go and grab yours today while they’re still hot!
Click here to download

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